Saturday, April 20, 2013

Another Zumba Certification...

Level 2,  Tango, Flamenco, Sambo, and I think I twerked on I'm so thankful and happy everywhere mind, body, and soul. 40 is whats hot!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Such A Beautiful Day!

Although I am very busy working my day job "PAYROLL", I find myself looking out the window of the office and wishing I were outside doing anything but sitting here. 

Its so pretty and shiny out there...UGH, Its hard being a free spirit and being contained...LOL.  Oh well at least I got to ZUMBA this morning, and hopefully I will DANCE somewhere tonight.

Yay...Just made myself feel better :-) LIFE IS GOOD! DANCE!!!

Diamonds in the Sky